American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

Midwest Governors Urge Congressional Action to End Highway Trust Fund Crisis

AASHTO Journal
July 24, 2009

Eleven Midwestern governors wrote to House and Senate leaders last Friday to urge swift action to address the shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund.

"The United States Department of Transportation has informed Congress, the states, and the public that the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund is rapidly approaching a zero balance and may not be able to fully reimburse state claims as early as August," the letter states. "We cannot stress strongly enough that Congress must pass legislation before its August recess to assure the Highway Trust Fund can support currently authorized funding levels."

Midwestern governors also wrote, "This is essential so ongoing construction work can continue. A break in federal financing would result in layoffs, a slowdown of economic recovery, and a slowdown of the progress of transportation projects needed by people and business. We believe immediate legislation to replenish the Highway Trust Fund and assure program continuity is necessary while Congress works on a surface transportation authorization."

The letter states that making significant progress on placing additional money in the Highway Trust Fund balance is critical this month. Governors urge immediate action to assure the Highway Trust Fund can continue to support state reimbursement claims.

"A deteriorating transportation system and declining urban and rural mobility and connectivity will continue to hold our economy back," the letter concludes. "We hope work will continue on a well-considered surface transportation authorization which respects state and local performance management and promotes efficient delivery of transportation projects and services."

Concerns were brought up by the governors about the need to adequately provide for rural transportation needs, and they caution that performance targets should be developed at the state and local, rather than federal, level.

The letter, available at, was signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, chairwoman of the Midwestern Governors Association, and South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds, immediate past chair. The association includes the governors of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

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